Free Online Summer Tutoring Classes
Free tutoring classes for Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Pre-Calc/Trig, Calculus 1, and Physics 1.
There will be 1 hour of live classes each week and homework to do on your own. If you miss any classes, they will all be recorded and emailed to the students and parents.
Online through Google Meet. The student will get an email each week with the link to join. You do not need a camera or microphone. Just bring something to write with and write on. You can also print out the lesson plans ahead of time (they will be emailed to the students and parents).
The exact dates and times have not been finalized yet, but it's an 8 week course starting the week of June 12th and ends August 4th.
Who is Dan the Tutor? I have been tutoring for math and science practically my whole life. I graduated from Spring-Ford High School (Pennsylvania) in 2015, and then went on to Penn State main campus where I got my degree in Electrical Engineering. I worked for 3 years as a systems engineer at Lockheed Martin, and now I am pursuing my dream of becoming a full-time tutor.
I am hosting these free summer courses for one simple reason: I want to be the greatest tutor in the world. If you'd like to help me achieve this goal, please tell other parents or your school guidance counselor.